Are axolotls poisonous or dangerous?

Axolotls, or walking fish, seem dangerous with their strange appearance. Because they belong to the family of salamanders, some of them are poisonous. They look like dragons or lizards, and at first glance, they seem dangerous creatures. Today in all amphibians, we want to find out if axolotls are poisonous or dangerous for humans.


Axolotls are a species of salamander that is more like a fish than a salamander. They are called walking fish. That’s why they look dangerous to some people.

Their other name is the Mexican salamander, which was given this name to the axolotls because of where they live in nature because they only live in two lakes in Mexico.

These days the number of axolotls that lives in nature has decreased so much that some even believe that their wild type is extinct and axolotls only live in captivity.

Many people like them because of their special and funny appearance and keep them as pets.

Axolotl has an amazing ability to regenerate its damaged organs. They can even regenerate and repair their vital organs and continue living. This unique ability of this creature has made it attract the attention of medical scientists and experiments.

Many research has been done on axolotls. All these things have caused the wild species of this animal to become almost extinct, but many of them live in human laboratories and home aquariums.

Are axolotls poisonous?

Are axolotls poisonous

Axolotls are not poisonous, and there are no toxic substances in their bodies that are dangerous for humans or other animals.

Axolotls are quiet and lonely animals that live a peaceful and safe life in dark and cold waters and spend most of their time walking and hunting in the depths of lakes.

Many people are afraid of axolotls because of their strange appearance and think that they are wild creatures and may attack humans. They are a type of salamander, and salamanders are known to be poisonous, dangerous, and very aggressive.

For this reason, some people think that axolotls are also poisonous and afraid of them. But axolotls are sensitive and harmless creatures, and there are only secretions on their skin that sometimes cause sensitivity and itching on human skin. But for sure, axolotls do not pose any danger to humans, but there are some things to consider when dealing with them.

Are axolotls dangerous?

Axolotls are not dangerous to humans, and they are very unlikely to harm humans. We are much more likely to harm them because they are sensitive creatures.

A healthy axolotl has no danger to humans, and only if the axolotl is sick or contains bacteria can it be dangerous for humans.

One of the reasons it is dangerous for humans is the transmission of salmonella disease, which can be transmitted to humans.

Are axolotls dangerous for pets?

can axolotls harm pets

Axolotls are predatory and carnivorous animals.  They are territorial and very aggressive.  In the wild, they hunt fish. Never keep them next to other fish because the axolotl will undoubtedly attack the fish because fish is its food.

You can’t keep two axolotls together because the bigger axolotl will attack and eat the smaller axolotl. In the case of females, however, it is different, and you can put a female axolotl next to a male and even breed them.

But in the case of other pets, such as dogs and cats, There is no danger. Even if your cat goes to the axolotl tank, there is usually no danger because axolotls do not come to the water’s surface like fish; they always stay in deep water.

Are the bites of axolotls poisonous?

Axolotls are aggressive animals and may bite your hand, but they don’t do it to hurt you; they just do it because they think your fingers are food, especially if you feed them with your hands.

In some cases, if you intend to catch them, they may do this to defend themselves. If this happens, don’t worry at all because their teeth are very small, and you will not be seriously injured, and you won’t feel much pain.

If an axolotl bites your hand, never react suddenly, and don’t try to force your hand out because you will easily injure the axolotl. Just wait for a little and the axolotl will notice that your hand is not food and let go of your hand.

Don’t worry because axolotls bit is not poisonous and not harm you, only if the teeth of the axolotl dig into your skin and cause bleeding; wash your hands immediately and disinfect and bandage it because it is dangerous, and you may get salmonella disease.

Is it dangerous to touch axolotls?

are axolotls safe to touch

It is recommended not to touch the axolotl as much as possible unless it is necessary. Of course, touching the axolotl is not dangerous for you, and only if the axolotl contains bacteria, your hands will also be infected.

But there is a possibility of harming the axolotl because usually, our hands contain many bacteria, and we can easily transfer them to the axolotl.

When you try to touch the axolotl, the animal may get scared and want to run away from you and hurt itself.

To avoid the dangers of touching axolotls, you should not touch axolotls unless you have to and wash your hands before and after touching axolotls to disinfect them.

Dangers of keeping axolotls

If you are planning to choose an axolotl as your pet, you should know that they are very sensitive animals, and the possibility of you harming them is more than the possibility of them harming you.

But keeping any animal at home has its risks.  Keeping axolotls may also have risks, and you must observe some things, such as:

  • biting

Axolotls bite their owners, especially when you feed them or try to touch them, and it takes some time for the axolotl to get used to you and understand that your hand is not food.

  • Carnivorous

Axolotls are carnivorous and eat small fish. They even attack other axolotls, and you cannot keep other animals with them.

  • Children

Children’s bodies are weak, and they are vulnerable to all kinds of bacteria, and if the axolotls’ tank is available to children, something terrible might happen.

  • Salmonella

Salmonella disease is a dangerous disease that is transmitted from axolotls to humans, and if you are not careful, it is possible to get infected easily.


Can axolotls be poisonous or dangerous to humans?

can axolotls be dangerous

Axolotls are not poisonous and cannot poison humans, and so far, there has never been a case of axolotl poisoning reported anywhere, and people think that they are poisonous and dangerous just because of their appearance of axolotls.

As we said, a healthy axolotl normally is no danger to humans. The only danger that axolotl has for humans is the risk of infection by Salmonella bacteria.

Because in case of illness or lack of hygiene, axolotl may contain Salmonella bacteria, which can be spread by touching or being bitten by Oxolotel.  It is also possible to get salmonella by eating axolotl-contaminated meat.


Salmonella is a bacterial intestinal disease that is common between humans and animals. This bacterium is excreted through feces and is transmitted by ways such as eating uncooked and raw meat, as well as hand contact with bacteria.

One of the common ways to get infected with salmonella is from pets like axolotls. And if axolotls contain this bacterium, we will get this disease by touching it.

In case of infection with this bacterium, we must go to the doctor immediately, and its symptoms are:

  • diarrhea
  • stomach cramps
  • fever
  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • shaking
  • headache
  • blood in the stool

Salmonella infection is the most dangerous that axolotls have for humans, and its symptoms may last for several days, and in people whose immune system is weak, such as children, it may be fatal.

Prevention and caution

Axolotls are not poisonous and are not dangerous for humans, but keeping them may have some dangers for us. To avoid these dangers, we must pay attention to the following points.

  • When feeding the axolotls, use a pair of tongs to feed them
  • if you want to feed them by hand, be sure to wear gloves
  • do not touch your axolotl unless it is necessary
  • use gloves when touching the axolotls
  • always wash your hands before and after touching axolotls
  • Always clean the axolotl’s living area regularly and do not let it get contaminated
  • the water of the axolotl tank should always be clean
  • Always prime healthy and fresh food for the axolotl
  • Keep your children and other pets away from the axolotl tank
  • Do not keep other fish near the axolotl
  • Be careful when feeding the axolotl, so that it does not bite you
  • if you get bitten by axolotl and bleed, clean your wound and go to the hospital immediately

So we conclude

Axolotls are peaceful and harmless animals. They are not poisonous, and if they are healthy, they do not have any danger to humans. But keeping them like keeping any other animal may have some danders. The most important danger of keeping axolotls is salmonella disease. But don’t worry You can prevent salmonella by following some health tips and enjoying having an axolotl at home.

FAQ about are axolotls poisonous or dangerous


  1. Are axolotls poisonous?

No, axolotls are a type of salamander, but unlike other salamanders, they are not poisonous.

  1. Are axolotls dangerous for humans?

Axolotls are calm and harmless creatures, and if they are healthy, they have no danger to humans.

  1. Are axolotls dangerous for pets?

Axolotls are predators, and you can’t keep other fish around them because they will eat them, but they are harmless to animals like dogs and cats.

  1. Is eating axolotls dangerous for humans?

In many restaurants, the axolotl is served as delicious seafood, and eating them is not dangerous for humans except in cases where the meat is rotten or the animal is not healthy.

  1. Is axolotl bite dangerous?

Axolotls have small teeth, and if they bite you, you will not be seriously injured, but if you bleed, you should go to the hospital immediately because there is a risk of salmonella infection.

  1. What is Salmonella?

Salmonella is a common bacterial disease between animals and humans, and the biggest risk of keeping axolotls is contracting salmonella.

  1. What are the dangers of keeping axolotls for humans?

Axolotls are not dangerous animals and do not pose a danger to humans, and only if they are not healthy or due to the lack of hygiene in their living areas, they can carry salmonella bacteria and transmit it to you.


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