Axolotls are carnivores. If you keep an axolotl, you should make sure that it has a diet similar to what it eats in the wild. Do you know what foods are suitable for axolotl? Stay with us at All Amphibian to find the answer to this question.
What do axolotl eat?
The axolotl is a unique type of salamander that lives only in the lakes of Mexico. Their numbers in the wild are very few, and some believe that their wild specimens are extinct and they are only found in captivity.
Because axolotls are carnivores, their diet consists mostly of protein materials. because of the almost extinction of this animal, and we must pay special attention to the diet of axolotls in captivity.
We should feed axolotls with foods that consist of protein and meat and are similar to what they eat in nature. We should also pay attention to the fact that the diet of axolotls is different at different periods of their life. Smaller axolotls need softer, smaller foods that are easy to digest.
Axolotls and what they eat
Axolotls are very sensitive to their food. You may be interested to know that each of them has a different taste in food. The food that one axolotl is very fond of may not be interesting for another axolotl and it has no appetite to eat it.
Due to their low mobility and the fact that it takes some time for the food they eat to be digested in their stomachs, axolotls do not need to be fed every day. Adult axolotls need a meal every two days and can survive up to 2 weeks without food.
But it is different for small axolotls. They are more active, and because they are growing fast, baby axolotls need two meals a day and they cannot go without food for a long time.
The important thing to pay attention to when feeding axolotls is to never overfeed them. Axolotls have an appetite for food whenever it is ready for them. Even if they are full, for this reason, extra food causes constipation and intestinal obstruction in axolotls.
What do axolotls eat in the wild?
Axolotls are not vegetarians at all. In the wild axolotls feeds on insects, crickets, small fish, snails, frogs, and almost any living creature that fits in their mouths. Even cannibalism has been seen among them.
They even eat dead prey. If you put a dead fish in your axolotl tank, you probably won’t see any sign of it after a few hours. They have small teeth that allow them to hold their prey, but they cannot chew or tear.
They lie in wait while hunting and wait for the prey to get close enough to them, then pull the prey into their mouth with strong suction and swallow it whole. For this reason, the prey must be the size of their mouth so that they can eat it.
After swallowing their prey, it enters the stomach and is digested there. Axolotls eat some sand with their food, which helps them digest food better. Axolotls usually hunt at night and stay in their hiding places during the day to protect themselves from their enemies.
If you have an axolotl at home, you may have noticed their behavior at nightAxolotls have access to various meat foods in the wild, that’s why they should have a similar diet in captivity that is rich and provides them with the protein and ingredients they need.
What do axolotls eat in captivity?
Axolotls are very popular as pets and many people keep them in their homes. For this reason, many ready-made foods for axolotls are also available in pet stores and you can easily get them.
In general, axolotls are very adaptable animals and do not expect much from their owners. You can easily keep them in a medium-sized tank. Their water temperature does not need to be adjusted much and they do not have problems with the ambient temperature.
The food of axolotls in captivity should contain 30-60% protein and it varies slightly depending on their age. Food for axolotls in captivity is generally divided into three categories:
- Live Foods
- Frozen Foods
- Pellets
You must use live food to feed baby axolotls because their sense of smell is not yet fully developed, and they cannot detect the smell of prey. But they can sense movements around them and can detect live prey.
Young, growing axolotls must be fed daily. They are very active and move around inside the tank and are very curious. They hit anything and potentially look for a hunt. At this stage, you should separate the small axolotls from bigger ones, because many cases of cannibalism have been observed in young axolotls.
It is better to use soft foods such as bloodworms and daphnia to feed young axolotls as they are easier to digest and more nutritious for their growth. Always try to cut their food into pieces and make sure it fits in their mouths.
If you use worms, be sure to wash them with water so that they do not contaminate the water in the tank. Also, after each feeding of the axolotls, collect the leftover food from the tank because they cause water pollution.
For axolotls, the best foods you can prepare are:
- Brine shrimps
- Daphnia
- Worms
- Nightcrawlers
- Pellets
- Frozen Dried
- Tubifex
- Repashy Grub Pie
- Feeder Fish
- Red Wrigglers
Many axolotl owners also use lean beef and chicken pieces to feed them. We recommend you grow live food; For example, you can easily make brine shrimp culture at home.
Because live and fresh food always has more nutritional value for axolotls than frozen-dried food. But also remember that dry and frozen foods do not have the risk of contamination and do not contain infections or parasites.
What should I feed my axolotls, and what do they eat as pets?
The list of suitable foods for axolotls is very long, but it mostly depends on what axolotl foods are available to you. In the following, we will examine some of the best foods that you can get from pet stores and that are available to you.
Worms are an excellent staple food for axolotls. They have most of the nutrients that axolotls need and are a great choice. Axolotls of any age can feed on worms. There are also different types of worms.
Pellets :
Pellets are also a great food for axolotls. They are perfect for growing axolotls. Salmon pellets are very popular. Pellets are a good alternative if you are sensitive about live foods, but axolotls accustomed to worms will not eat them. When preparing pellets, it is better to pay attention to their brand because they have different protein levels. It is better to use their sinking type.
Pellets are an optimal food source for axolotls. They are made in such a way that they have all the nutrients that axolotls need. You also don’t have to worry about the size of the bullets anymore. Give your axolotl pellets in sufficient quantity because if they are not eaten and remain in the water, they will cause bacteria and parasites to multiply in the water.
Daphnia :
Daphnia is a type of crustacean that lives in freshwater. Many people grow them at home. Daphnia is a good option for feeding the baby axolotls that have just hatched. They are not very suitable for feeding adults. Daphnia is very useful because it survives in water even if not eaten and helps to maintain water parameters.
Repashy Grub Pie :
Grub Pie is also an established food among many owners of Axolotel. This food is in the form of a powder, and you have to mix it with boiling water until it becomes a jelly; then, you pour it into different molds, and it hardens. There are even worm-shaped molds for them. Grub Pie is a good food because it is based on insects and can be a good substitute for beef. Usually, axolotls either eat the grub pie, or they don’t. If they like it, you can replace their previous food.
Small Fish :
Small fish are not among the common foods of axolotls. But they also have their advantages. Many of them carry diseases and parasites and can make your axolotl sick. The only type of fish that is both disease-free and suitable for nutrition is guppies. They are reliable and harmless to axolotls. These fishes are very useful for keeping the axolotl’s instincts alive. Because axolotls become lazy if they eat ready-made food, and despite these fish, they are forced to hunt again.
Ghost Shrimp :
Ghost shrimp are another unusual axolotl food. In terms of price, these shrimps are not cheap, but they are reliable in terms of being disease carriers and help the axolotl’s hunting instincts like fish. Ghost shrimp also help keep the axolotl tank clean and eat parasites and fungi before getting eaten.
Nightcrawlers :
Nightcrawlers are a popular food for axolotls both in the wild and in captivity. They contain a significant amount of protein. They are also easy to get and you can get them from pet stores or online.
You can prepare live nightcrawlers or frozen as you like. An axolotl will enjoy eating both types. It is recommended to give nightcrawlers to axolotls once or twice a day. If nightcrawlers are obtained from polluted sources, they have the potential to transfer parasites and pollutants to your axolotl tank.
It is better to get them from a reliable source. Also, be careful about their storage because they quickly become rotten and unusable. Also, if you buy the live version, be careful about their size because large nightcrawlers can suffocate the axolotl.
Brine Shrimp :
Brine shrimp are a good source of food for growing axolotls due to their fatty acids and amino acids and a good amount of protein. They are a high-energy source for axolotls. Be careful about buying them because there is a possibility of contamination in them.
You can store brine shrimp for a short time after purchase in a container with water and salt. When giving brine shrimp to the axolotl, it is better to hold it with a pair of tweezers or tongs so that the axolotl can eat it, because this will prevent the brine shrimp from escaping and hiding in the corner of the tank.
Red Wrigglers:
Red Wrigglers are also a good source of food for axolotls and they are one of the foods that are easy for axolotls to digest. You can breed them in your home and always have live food for the axolotl. But You have to follow the hygiene tips for storing them because they easily cause diseases.
Red Wrigglers can multiply quickly if the conditions are favorable, so consider keeping them in a separate container. Also, pay attention to keeping their container clean because they will easily multiply bacteria and transfer them to the axolotl.
Snails: Snails can also be included in the axolotl’s food list, but you should not feed them too much to the axolotl. You should also pay attention to their size because even if the axolotl can eat large snails, it may still suffer from intestinal obstruction. Also, snails that have a hard shell should not be given to axolotls. Only small snails without hard shells are suitable.
What kind of worms and fishes do axolotls eat?
Worms are among the best food sources you can provide for axolotls in captivity. You can get them live or frozen and they are easily available for you to buy. They have different types, most of which you can grow in your home, but you must follow the health tips. In the following, we will mention some of these Worms.
- BlackWorms: You can get black worms from pet stores and online stores. They are freshwater organisms and are available in live frozen form. BlackaWorms have a high nutritional value and are a good source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
You need to pay attention to the water temperature to keep them because warm water will cause them to die before you give them to your axolotl.
- BloodWarms: When a louse mosquito lays eggs, larvae are born, which we call bloodworms. Bloodworm is also one of the best food supplements that you can get. They are a favorite food of axolotls. You can get live and frozen bloodworms from pet stores and online.
Breeding and reproduction of bloodworms is not a difficult task. Be careful when feeding axolotls with live bloodworms as these worms will move and hide in your axolotl tank. Axolotls have a big appetite for bloodworms and you have to be careful not to feed them too many bloodworms as it can cause digestive problems.
- RedWorms: Red worms are also considered as food for the axolotl; you can get them from hunting equipment stores because they are often used as bait for fishing. Red worms contain protein and minerals needed by axolotls. Before you give them to your axolotl, wash them with water so they don’t carry soil material into the axolotl’s tank.
- EarthWorms: Earthworms are one of the most affordable axolotl foods with good nutritional value. You can give them to your axolotl after 6 months. Earthworms should first be cut into smaller pieces of about one centimeter and then fed to your axolotl. Axolotls can eat two earthworms a day.
- MealWorms: MealWorms are not an ideal food for axolotls, but you can feed them to your axolotl. MealWorms are not easily digested due to their low nutritional value and high amount of chitin. You should also watch out for their jaws as they are dangerous to your axolotl. You have to separate their jaws first. Always feed your axolotl with Mealworms that have just molted.
- WaxWorms: Waxworms are also considered food for axolotls. They contain a lot of protein, but this type of protein is not suitable for axolotl growth. Waxworms contain a lot of fat, which is not good for salamanders. Also, be careful with their size as they are usually too big for axolotls and you need to cut them up into smaller pieces. When buying waxworms, pay attention to their health because they get moldy quickly.
Nightcrawlers and Red Wrigglers are other worms you can give to axolotls. You can also add fish to the axolotl’s axolotls food list. Of course, you should be very careful about them because most of them contain parasites and bacteria.
It is better to breed the fish you want to give to the axolotl in a separate tank to make sure they are healthy. Axolotls will eat almost any kind of fish they can hunt and fit into their mouths. So you have to give them small fish that are not fast. The best type of fish for axolotls are Guppy and other small and slow-moving fish, but they must be deparasitized first.
Important tips for feeding axolotls
When preparing food and keeping them for axolotls, you should pay attention to some points. Axolotls can easily get sick. Axolotls can eat dead food like dead worms; in nature they eat dead worms they find. Don’t worry if you can’t provide live food for them.
Because frozen foods and pellets are also good food for axolotls, usually, after 6 months you can give axolotls any kind of worms and live or frozen-dried foods. If your axolotl is not eating, you should show it to the vet. Of course, it might not like its food, so it’s better to try something else first.
Never feed your axolotl miscellaneous foods such as chicken or cat food because they are not suitable for them. Be careful in storing your axolotl food. Frozen foods must first come to room temperature before giving them to axolotls.
To keep non-aquatic worms, use a container with soil and fine sand. The container should have holes so that the worms can breathe. Regarding frozen-dried foods, pay attention to their expiration dates and store them in dark and cool places. always get axolotls food from a reliable source.
Final thoughts
The diet of axolotls in nature is very diverse. They are carnivores and their food consists of insects, mosquito larvae, small fish, frogs, crickets, and almost anything that fits in their mouths.
Axolotls in captivity should also have a diet based on what they eat in the wild. Their food should have 30-60% protein. In general, the food of axolotls in captivity is divided into three general categories. Live foods and frozen-dried foods and pellets.
Axolotls must be fed live food when they first hatch. The live foods that you can prepare for axolotls include worms, nightcrawlers, red Wrigglers, brine shrimp, fishes, and daphnia. When feeding axolotls with live food, we must be careful about the transfer of parasites and bacteria and follow hygiene tips.
Always buy from reputable pet shops and online stores. It is better to grow and multiply live foods yourself at home so that you can rest assured about their health. Always collect leftover food from the axolotl tank as it will contaminate the water.
Always feed your axolotl enough as it can cause choking or digestive problems. Young axolotls are very active and curious, and it is best to separate the smaller ones from the bigger ones because cannibalism is more common in young axolotls.
Axolotls can eat any kind of live and frozen food from the age of 6 months, and before that, it is better not to give them some slow-digesting foods. Worms are one of the best foods available for axolotls, which have a wide variety and are available as live and frozen food.
You can use fish to feed your axolotl, but many of them contain parasites and bacteria, and you must be very careful not to make your axolotl sick. Keep the axolotl’s food in proper condition and avoid giving the axolotl inappropriate food such as cat food.
What do axolotls eat?
Axolotls are carnivores, and their food consists of creatures like fishes and amphibians and insects; they eat everything they can fit in their mouths. Even in some cases, cannibalism has been seen among them.
What do axolotls eat in the wild?
Axolotls’ teeth are not suitable for chewing and tearing, so they swallow their prey whole. They are night hunters and stay in their hide during the day. Their food in the wild consists of mosquito larvae, frogs, slings, crickets, small fish, etc.
What do axolotls eat in captivity?
The diet of axolotls in captivity should be the same as what they eat in the wild. Their food should contain 30-60% protein. Their food is different depending on their age. Young axolotls should eat twice a day and adult axolotls should eat once every two days.
What should I feed to my axolotls?
There are a variety of foods available for axolotls that you can prepare. Their food is divided into three categories: live food, frozen-dried food, and pellets, which you should give your axolotl a combination of to get all the nutrients they need.
What live foods can give to axolotls?
The foods that you can prepare live are brine shrimps, nightcrawlers, fishes, daphnia red Wrigglers, and various worms. When buying live foods, you should buy them from reputable stores. It is better to grow live foods yourself at home to be sure of their health.
What kind of worms and fishes do axolotls eat?
Worms are among the best foods for axolotls, available both live and frozen, such as blackworm, redworm, bloodworm, waxworm, mealworm, red Wrigglers, nightcrawlers, and earthworms. You can also buy fish as live food, but most of them contain parasites and diseases, and it is better to farm them yourself. The best fish for an axolotl is guppy and mollies and other small fishes.
What points should be considered to feed axolotls?
Get the food of the axolotls from reputable stores. It is better to grow and farm live foods yourself. Always follow the hygiene tips. Collect leftover food from the axolotl tank. Divide your axolotl’s food into small pieces if it is too big for him. Never feed too much to the axolotl. Let frozen food reach room temperature first, then give it to axolotls. Store axolotls food in proper conditions and be careful of their expiration date.